Travel is a huge part of my life! With many holidays over the years I have officially caught the 'Travel Bug'. After many years of talking about it, I am eventually doing it - Travelling the World!!!!
My life wasn't really going anywhere and I still don't know what career path I want to take.
Travelling has always been a part of my life but doing it for a year on my own was a scary thought. After many years of thinking and planning I finally realised that it would be a huge achievement and an experience not to be missed. So, I finally started saving my money and making my dream a reality.
I can't believe it but this is really coming true as I have recently bought my ticket!!!!!
I will be leaving in April 2011, visiting Europe, USA, Fiji, New Zealand and Australia.
I'm going to be travelling around europe using Interrail visiting Croatia, Italy,Spain,Switzerland and France. From there I will head over to New York to begin a Coast to Coast trip to Los Angeles before I head to Fiji for a month of Rest and Relaxation. After that I will head down to New Zealand visiting Auckland, Christchurch and Queensland with everything inbetween, mainly checking out the adrenaline sports. Finally I will head into Melbourne (oz) to travel up the east coast aiming to be home for Christmas.
I cannot wait for this as it has been a dream of mine for a while now. If anyone has been travelling to these places it would be great to hear some advice on places to visit and must sees!
Americans, please can you help?? I want to see everything there is in the USA but I only have 2 1/2 months to see it. I definitely want to see Florida.
Can anyone suggest a southern route that will pack in a much of the must sees!!