I once came across the book called ‘101 things to do before you die’ by Richard Horne and thought it was an excellent idea. I flicked through the book and some of the items just aren’t ever on my ‘to do’ list so I created my own based on the idea.
These types of lists are know as ‘Bucket lists’, but I’m not dying, just yet anyway! Instead this is a life list to help me get up of the sofa and experience life in the best way possible. After all you only ever get ONE chance so why not.
The list is not final and it will change as I get older! There will always be new ideas that I come across maybe on another blog or on the TV etc. I am always up for suggestions!!
I am a twenty something girl living in a small town who wants to get out there and experience everything life has to throw at me. I used to be a couch potato and enjoyed watching other people live their lives through the TV. This list has helped me get of the sofa and start living mine.
I have created this blog mainly for myself so that I have somewhere to write about my adventures. It was also created so that my friends and family can read about all my adventures so I don't have to write out loads of separate emails.
I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and I can get other people out and about to live life to the full. If you are reading this blog I would love to know, so please leave a comment.
I am a twenty something girl living in a small town who wants to get out there and experience everything life has to throw at me. I used to be a couch potato and enjoyed watching other people live their lives through the TV. This list has helped me get of the sofa and start living mine.
I have created this blog mainly for myself so that I have somewhere to write about my adventures. It was also created so that my friends and family can read about all my adventures so I don't have to write out loads of separate emails.
I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and I can get other people out and about to live life to the full. If you are reading this blog I would love to know, so please leave a comment.