So the first stop on my round the world trip was Paris!
I only had one day in Paris as it is not too far from home so I can visit again. I travelled on the Eurostar which took 2hrs from London. I woke up early the next morning as I wanted to fit so much into my day.
First up #11 climb the Eiffel tower
Climbing the Eiffel tower is something that everyone who visits Paris must do. When I was there it was raining (typical), but I still enjoyed the day. I arrived at the Eiffel tower for 9am thinking that I would have plenty of time to take pictures and admire this amazing tower before the entrance opened at 9.30am.
How wrong was I! At 9am the queues were already at least 100 people long, so I joined the queue and waited. Since all the terrorist attacks around the world everywhere has become security mad. I had to go through metal detects and have my i.d. checked before I could enter. There are two ways to reach the top of the Eiffel tower the lift or the stairs! I choose the lift as it was raining and there are a lot of stairs lol.
Reaching the very top of the Eiffel Tower left me speechless. What a view! You can see for miles and all of Paris' main attractions up close. I had a full 360 degree view.
I decided to climbed down the stairs so that I could experience that as well. As I was returning to the ground there were people running up the stairs as part of a morning workout!
Have you ever climbed the Eiffel tower?
Next up was #18 walk along the Champs Elysees
The champs elysees is the London Oxford street of Paris. At one end is the arc de triomphe and at the other is the l'obelisque.
Then onto the Lourve for #23 see the Mona Lisa.
On the first Sunday of every month all the museums in Paris as free to enter, and it just so happens to be the first Sunday of the month.
As I didn't have much time I only wanted to see the Mona Lisa so I entered in the side door known as the as Porte DES Lions as it was the closest. When I reached the Mona Lisa it was like there was a celebrity in the room. Everyone was crowded round and they all had their cameras out. I have to say though that it is a pretty spectacular sight and if you are in Paris you should not miss it. I managed to get to the front of the crowd to get a couple of pictures but after that I was pushed out to the side. Oh well.
Last but not least is #12 light a candle in the Notre Dame.