I arrived in Nadi, Fiji around 5 am after a long flight from Los Angeles. I don’t know about you but I struggle to sleep on planes so I was ‘cream-crackered’!
It’s standard practise in Nadi (pronouced Nan-Dee) to offer airport transfer, which I found to be very helpful as I would have otherwise been stuck in a random airport at 5 in the morning. However I was picked up from the airport and was able to check into my room straight away. I then slepted for the entire day!!!
At night I went to an incredible Fijian Fire, sword and dance show. The traditional dancing was brilliant; each song told a story through movement. However the fire-dancing was the best; sometimes all the men danced together in a choreographed routine with sticks of fire, while other times they danced alone, breakdancing with fire! They would throw the sticks in the air and catch them, balance on eachothers backs and even twirl them with there feet.

The show ended in a huge conga line with the audience all dancing together on the beach as the music changed from traditional Fijian beats to reggae and other club mixes. It was an incredible show and a spectacular welcome to Fiji.

At night we participated in a traditional kava ceremony, a Fijian ceremony where you sit cross-legged in a circle on the floor, play instruments, sing and drink kava. Kava comes from the roots of the yaqona plant, but it is ground up and mixed with water before you drink it. It looks and tastes like mud, and makes your mouth and tongue tingle. If you can get past the taste of the kava itself, the ceremony is very nice. Every time you are given a cup you clap your hands once, say "bula" (which means hello), and drink it. When you drink from your shallow cup the rest of the circle claps three times in succession. Everyone is happy during a kava ceremony. It is a chance to enjoy time with friends, sort out any tribal differences, mend relationships, and learn from one another.

Last was Beachcomber Island, also known as the party island. We had a great evening here with ‘Happy Hour’ every hour! Fiji is fairly cheap anyway! The next morning we went on a Seaspray sailing trip. However most of my group were unable to go due to having too much fun the night before!!! We sailed all day and had a BBQ lunch. We visited the Island were Tom Hanks filmed ‘Castaway’ and we visited another village. This time the village didn’t have a resort near it so again this was real fijians!!