Shake hands with a member of the royal family

I haven't quite managed this task yet but I am one step closer. While I was in London last week I passed by Buckingham Palace as you do and there was a few men with motorbiked hanging around.
I knew that something was happening as you don't normally see this kind of activity. The men are called 'out riders' and they stop the traffic for the queen when she is out and about in her car.

I positioned myself right next to the barrier outside the main gates and waited for about 20 minutes. THEN it happened! The Queen rode out in her car straight passed me. Below is the video I took.

As I am from England you would think that seeing the queen wasn't a big deal but believe me it is. Not many people can say they have actually seen a member of the royal family in everyday life.

Have you ever met someone of her importance in your own country?

2 Response to "Shake hands with a member of the royal family"

  1. Jessica says:
    27 March 2012 at 03:54

    Very cool! I've never seen the president so I could imagine never having seen the Queen.

  2. Shelley Worsley says:
    3 April 2012 at 23:31

    It was quite a surreal experience. Like most english people you don't tend to go to all the tourist locations in London. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.