
So about 2 years ago I started searching on google, trying to find out where to get the tickets and how much they cost etc... I found a couple of websites all advertising different shows and to my surprise the tickets were FREE!!!!! I started registering and applying for different shows.
Over the past 2 years I have attended many TV shows such as: 'The Paul O'Grady Show', 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and 'The Whole 19 Yards'. They were all fantastic days out and definitely worth the trips to all the different studios. But I had to attend my favorite show, which is of course is The X Factor!
Imagine my excitment when I recieved a congratulation email saying I had four tickets to see the live auditions on 21st June 2010!!!

Dermot O'Leary made an appearance and did a few takes for the opening links (then was never seen again). Then the judges were introduced (Simon Cowell, Cheryl Cole and Louis Walsh). After a few words from them the auditions started and throughout the 3hrs of filming we saw the good, the bad, the ugly and the crazy but I don't think we saw the winner!!
Once the last auditionee has finished the judges were hurried out by security and the hot and sweaty 2000 member audience made a dash for the exit. The train home was packed but everyone was buzzing! If I had the chance to do it all over again I would.
I have already applied for boot camp and final tickets so we will have to see.
The audition process is shown over a 2 month period starting at the end of July, so we will have to watch and see if we are lucky enough to make it onto the show. Last year I made it onto the Xtra Factor (a spin off with Holly Willoughby) so maybe I could do one better and make it onto the main show.
If you would like to register for TV audience tickets I suggest visiting Applause Store as it has the best show and is available in the USA. You can visit by clicking here.
Have you been in a TV audience and made it onto the TV????
11 July 2010 at 17:28
Very cool! I've never been in the audience of a TV show or on a TV show, although I've been on TV several times (just the news). I can't think of any TV show I'd like to be in the audience in; most of the shows I enjoy are scripted. I'd love to be an extra on a show or in a movie.
11 July 2010 at 21:19
Yea it would be very nice to be an extra in a show or movie. I have been on a tv show that was broadcast in portugal when I was about 10.
I find it facinating to know how a TV show is made and what happens behind the seens.
Is the X factor broadcast over in america? I suppose it's the same as American Idol!